Benefits of MM 360
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Material Management 360 ensures that materials are available as required to meet production schedules.
Request the material internally to be procured by the purchasing department, by creating a Purchase Requisition specifying the quantity, price, and uploading the attachments.
Approve/reject the Purchase Requisition based on the materials available in the inventory. Add the approver comments and view the attachments added.
In the Manage Purchase Requisition Application, the Change/display view can be used.
The standard creation of a purchase order specifies the materials being procured, their quantity, agreed price, delivery date, and attachments. Create a Purchase order for products and services using Purchase Requisition.
Approval of Purchase order will make better business control of cost and inventory stocks and increases accuracy in the procurement process.
Manage Purchase Orders allows to create, change, and display the purchasing document.
Goods Receipt simplifies the business process for receiving goods and Goods Issue Application for the Goods withdrawal process. Receive stocks and movement of stocks from different purchasing documents.
Item Ok scenario will help to receive and issue a particular material. Systematic Goods movement will help in real-time physical Goods movement.
Check the material stock at the plant and storage level and real-time view of any material’s inventory balance.
Check different types of stock availability for the material, it will help to determine exactly where the stock is physically available. Review the Graphical representation of different types of stock at storage locations.
Compare the Invoice sent by the supplier to the buyer and the Purchase Order to ensure that the price and quantity match. Calculate tax using country and jurisdiction code.
Stimulate the Invoice to avoid inconsistencies and errors. Mark the Invoice due date and Payment terms and post the accounting document to initiate the payment process.
Record the delivery of service in the designated unit of measure and simplify the service procurement. Track the periodic entries and consumption of services from the Purchase Order.
There is Accept and Revoke functionality to verify the service procurement quantity and price to be invoiced. Change and Display the service entry sheet for each Purchase Order line item.
This enables enterprises to view and record meter readings against measure points. Inspectors can observe and record visual data, and also can access activities and tasks overview.
Access equipment records to perform specialized maintenance on individual machinery. Users can also track master records centrally on equipment installed at different functional locations.
A functional location represents the place at which a maintenance task is performed. Businesses can generate reports on the execution and recordings of maintenance tasks, cost monitoring, and data collection over long periods of time.
Real-time reporting is important to optimize maintenance intervals, uncover root causes, decide corrective action plans.
Pull up real-time and instant Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) metrics to calculate the time required to replace a failed hardware module. This helps to identify the amount of time it took to repair a machine and restore it to full functionality.
Track the operating reliability of assets with the most common measure of Mean Time To Repair (MTBR). This tracks the time elapsed between the required repairs for a particular piece of machinery.
The work order list, by enabling the users to view past work orders that have been completed, serves as an audit for the number of completed work orders. Users can also accurately track who completed the maintenance, the cost incurred, and the time it took to complete.
By keeping track of all your inventory on an itemized list, the inventory list allows enterprises to know what they have and what needs to be procured to perform unhindered maintenance. The real-time inventory list helps businesses make informed choices to reduce order amounts.
Feel free to get in touch with our experts for any help. They are ready to assist you.